Wednesday 30 April 2008

Production Meeting update 30/04/08

Hi Guys,

Just to let you all know that the production meeting went well this morning. Nothing to drastic was thrown at us, although we have a few administrative bits of paper work to get through over next few weeks. The main thing that struck me however was the deadline for Colin Mander build. If this deadline is missed we will not have th opportunity to build anything so this might be something to keep in mind! I would like to go and have a brief conversation with Colin on Friday to introduce myself and the Mins Shark collective - anyone like to join me?

We also were briefly shown what the licensing packs' will be for the camden borough - going to get a copy of that this week but we have a while to fill it out.
There will be a new schedule sent by Dara as current calender has a few errors.

Apart from that nothin else that needs to be posted here and would bore you all! :-)

Take care!
Eva A

Tuesday 29 April 2008

2nd Post

This is our second post!

Shame on me

Dear MindSharkians,

This is our blog. It is not locked, so it's 'public' but please don't give it to anyone else on the course.

Let's keep it within the Tank.

I will send you all the details of how to post here.

Remember to sign your posts within the text you type, that way we'll know who posted the entry.

I will also run you through how to post etc etc - probably today!


John K
Dramaturg to the Stars