Thursday 1 May 2008

chasms and illusions

Hi Y'all -

I enjoyed the text-response movement session today, and the exercises and sharing from Monday and Tuesday. I wanted to share some of my personal responses to those things here. Maybe it will connect with something you've seen or thought, or spark something else entirely.

On Tuesday, the discussion of lost socks vs. lost sons brought up a lot of emotion for me personally. I witnessed the murders of two family members I was very close to, when I was growing up. These events happened a long long time ago, and I don't sit around dwelling on them, but these things still affect my life. For me at least, there is something about profound loss that feels like a chasm between myself and other people. A big loss can feel like a barrier to normal human connection, a fear that others cannot possibly 'understand,' even though the mind knows that these are universal emotions. Losses are losses, however big or small - everyone knows this place where your feet touched the earth, then what was solid, what held your weight just a moment ago dissolves.

I responded to "The sound of another person's voice that makes you feel there's an emptiness you can't cross" in Andy's text. I had an image of myself on a little ledge, sort of like an island, barely bigger than me. Beyond the edge of this tiny parcel of land was a dropoff into deep ocean, like the Tongue of the Ocean photo. I saw the others moving across the room and reached to them, but they did not see or hear me. Finally, I decided to roll off the ledge, over the cliff, into the unknown depths. There was a fear of what might happen, but I went anyway. I sunk to the bottom, felt the fine flat sand of the ocean floor, soft and quiet like human skin. There was something secure in being there. I sensed others through darkness, then began to feel the lines of their energy tracking towards me, as if we had always been connected, but I had never noticed. I started to realize that the chasm was an illusion, that the separateness is an illusion, that all of what I felt and saw had some common source, were kin. Only the fear was real.

Anyway, I hope that others will share what they've experienced or felt in regards to the process of making this piece, on this blog. I think it will help us all get a window into each other's processes, and hopefully enrich the work.


1 comment:

MindShark's 'Bimini Road' said...

Hi Raven,

Thank you for sharng your experiences regarding the past week - I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you, and appreciate you sharing it here!

I find what you say about the chasm being an illusion really interesting - when I was doing the impro on Thurs, I felt like the abyass/ chasm was actually something inside me, somthing that was just purely emotional, being acted out physically. Surprisingly I felt commpletely disonnected to everyone in the room until Fil started to walk across me, and I began to reach out for is hand. All I wanted to do was to begin walking across the room, but couldn't (simple). I think it would be interesting to explore further this idea of being 'connected' to other people - literally and imageinary and visually there could be a lot to work with there - became very interested in this idea when you menitoned it to me at our meeting on Thurs after rehearsal!

See you later today,

Eva A