Friday 30 May 2008



The blog feels empty, but that's because you're all here, in rehearsal, working hard to find the connections, the junctures between the work that lives in records and minds and bodies and the work we're making. It's a constant negotiation, the new and the old together on top of each other. "This is how we did it yesterday" and "This is how we can do it today" - it's exciting to watch the situations develop, the work grow.

It's good to remember: the people here at the time are the 'right' ones, we are the right people to make this work, the questions we ask are the right ones, the answers we find are the right ones. There is no Show 'just over there', something to be discovered - separate from ourselves, - something to be found like it was always there, waiting. We're making it, we're in it, we're off it, even as we search for more.

The Bimini Road emerges before me...

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